European association for the advancement of archaeology by experiment

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Registration form conference

EXAR-Conference 2024
In cooperation with the Blaubeuren Prehistory Museum in Blaubeuren

Location: Blaubeuren Prehistory Museum, Kirchplatz 10, 89143 Blaubeuren, Germany

Conference: September 19th - 22nd 2024
Lectures: September 20th and 21st 2023

Theme: Experimental Archaeology in Science and Education 2024

Please note: The number of participants is limited to 80.
A waiting list will be set up.

Registration form

Deadline of registration:
Lectures and posters: July 31th 2024
Conference participation: August 15th 2024

Please mark beneath:

I register myself binding:

 as participant as member (also Institutes), student

 for giving a lecture for a posterpresentation

 Get-together, Thursday September 19th 2024, 18:00, (Adress will be announced

 Come-together, Friday September 20th 2024 (Adress will be announced)

 Reception, Saturday Septmebr 21st 2024

 Guided tour Blaubeuren Prehistory Museum and City Tour Sunday September 22nd 2024, 10:00 till 13:00

My contact data may be transmitted in a list of the Conference participants.

 yes no

With my registration, I undertake not to disclose the data to third parties or to use for advertising purposes.

First name:
Postal code:

Please fill out when register a lecture / poster presentation:

Category:  Experimental Archaeology Attempt and reconstructive archaeology Education and theory


Summary (1500 bis 3000 characters, please note the essential marks of the lecture):

Bibliography (maximum of 5):

Lecture language:  Deutsch English

Needed technical support:  Beamer Other

Important advice for the speakers
The time for a lecture is maximum 20 minutes. After this a discussion of 10 minutes is planned. Only entries of lectures can be accepted when a summary and potentially bibliography is attached. EXAR reserves itself to reject presentations. Speakers do not pay the conference fee. For the conference folder abstracts of the lectures are required. Lectures in German need to have slides in English text, English lectures need a German caption in the slides.

Conference fee

EXAR member, student, persons from East Europa Participants
Registration and payment until 20-07-2024 EUR 12,50 EUR 35,-
Registration and payment from 21-07-2024 EUR 17,50 EUR 40,-

The conference fee is a pace list sum. Please pay the amount on the EXAR account at the Commerzbank Hannover, account number IBAN DE73 2504 0066 0444 666 200; BIC COBADEFF250. Registration and payment for one day is not possible.

A refund of fees due to non-participation is not possible. In the event of a cancellation due to a pandemic, the conference fees will be reimbursed.
Please join binding for get-together, excursion, come together and guided tour, so your host can schedule!
Detailed information on the program of the days on under "Program Conference 2024".

Please note: Photos will be taken during the conference, which will be published in EXAR's websites and publications.

EXAR – European association for the advancement of archaeology by experiment
Pfahlbaumuseum Unteruhldingen
Strandpromenade 6
88690 Uhldingen-Mühlhofen
Tel.: + 49 (0)7556 92890-0, Fax: + 49 (0)7556 92890-10

Contact Website in German